2023-24 GVA North Student Language Award Winners
GVA North: 2023 Colorado Concurso de Deletreo /State Spanish Spelling Bee
Facundo Prieto, Third Place Winner
Gerardo Collazo, Teacher
GVA North: 2023 National Chinese Speech Contest
Anastassia McGuire advanced into the 2023 National Chinese Speech Contest Final Competition. GVA North is the only Colorado school that has students advanced into the 6-8 grade world language group final competition.
Wen Cai, Teacher
GVA North: 2023 National Chinese EXPO of Student Work
Out of over 4,000 entries from across the U.S. and Canada, our student's work has been selected for this prestigious online exhibition. You can view the showcased work on this website.
- 4th grade Mandarin class
- Connie (Fangli) Zhao, Teacher
- 5th grade Mandarin class
- Connie (Fangli) Zhao, Teacher
GVA North: 2024 CCFLT Elementary Video Contest
The Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT) hosts this contest biennially, recognizing one standout student each from Elementary, Middle, and High School. We’re thrilled that Sofia Shuda from GVA North is the sole Elementary School winner of the 2024 CCFLT Elementary Video Contest!
Sofia Shuda, Russian Language
Alena Darsky, Teacher
GVA Aurora: 2024 CCFLT Elementary Essay Award
2024 CCFLT Elementary Essay Award

Jacques Prévert: Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver
Par Allen De Los Santos.
Je choisis le poème “Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver” de Jacques Prévert. C'est d'un bonhomme de neige, et pour se réchauffer il s'assoit sur le poêle rouge et après il disparaît.
Jacques Prévert est un poète français. Il a écrit beaucoup de poèmes pour la France et ça le rend populaire. Mon poème préféré de Jacques Prévert c’est “Chanson pour les enfants l’hiver” parce que c’est pour les enfants et la chanson est très bonne. Aussi, une autre raison pour laquelle j’aime la chanson pour les enfants l’hiver c’est parce que nous avons chanté ce poème dans la classe de français.
En conclusion, c’est la raison pourquoi cet essai peux vous aider à comprendre en plus l’importance de Jacques Prévert et “Chanson pour les enfants l'hiver” pour moi.
Jacques Prévert: Song for Children in Winter
By Allen De Los Santos.
I chose the poem “Song for Children in Winter” by Jacques Prévert. It’s about a snowman, and to warm himself up, he sits on the red stove, and then he disappears.
Jacques Prévert is a French poet. He wrote many poems for France, which made him popular. My favorite poem by Jacques Prévert is “Song for Children in Winter” because it’s for children, and the song is very good. Also, another reason why I like “Song for Children in Winter” is because we sang this poem in French class.
In conclusion, this is why this essay can help you better understand the importance of Jacques Prévert and “Song for Children in Winter” for me.