Meet Alicia Macica- Director of Teaching and Learning

For the past nine years, Alicia has been working in the Poudre School District as an English Language Development Instructional Coach at Eyestone Elementary, a district MTSS Coordinator, and most recently, the Elementary Literacy Facilitator in the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department.  Alicia has experience in teaching at the elementary level in Kyrene School District. She also has experience as a middle school language arts teacher and ELD teacher in Chandler Unified School District. Read More About Alicia Here
What are the goals for the Teaching and Learning department this year?
  1. Supporting our educators to align the Colorado Academic Standards and ACTFL World Language Standards with best practices of dual language immersion instruction. 
  2. Facilitate the creation of GVAC Teaching and Learning Framework for Dual Language Instruction. A committee has been formed with a representation of stakeholders from each school. The purpose of this committee is to align expectations for effective dual language instruction and to identify exemplary practices that will all schools to meet their goal of all students achieving success within our dual language immersion model.
  3. Lead robust, timely professional development for our schools to meet their needs as identified by their school leader. We have facilitated professional development on the following topics:
  • LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling)
  • Systematic ELD (English Language Development) with ELA Achieve 
  • Assessments for Learning
  • Classroom Management
  • Student Engagement
  • Data Teams
How do you and your team work with the schools? 
We began the year with surveying principals' needs and conducting a listening tour at each campus. Our support is specific to the unique needs identified at each campus. You will find us in schools facilitating professional development, observing classrooms, conducting data walks, coaching and mentoring teachers, facilitating data teams, planning instruction, and designing curriculum with teachers.    
What is your favorite thing about Global Village Academy? 
My favorite thing about GVA is its diversity. Although each school shares a common mission and vision, each campus is unique to meet the needs of the learners in their community. 
Questions for the Teaching and Learning department?