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February 2019, Ireland International Day

Go to Video Gallery Added Mar 24, 2019
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We are learning about the green countryside and cities of Ireland, its shamrocks, leprechauns and the butterflies of spring. Younger student have studied the woolen weavers of Ireland. We read "Weaving the Rainbow" and created circle weavings on colorful flower looms. Abstract city's represent Dublin and Ireland's largest population. Older students studied heraldry. They researched, planned and created a personal coat-of-arms. Every single motto, symbol, color and support animal tells the story of them and their family. I loved hearing all the things that are important to each student, what their families have taught them and what they value most. Every single coat-of-arms is a treasure. I will be framing them for the GVA ART SHOW and SALE, May 9th. Save the date!

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