Academic Standards
State academic standards are the expectations of what students need to know and be able to do. They also stand as the values and content organizers of what Colorado sees as the future skills and essential knowledge for our next generation to be more successful. State standards are the basis of the annual state assessment.
Standards are not the same as lesson plans or curriculum. They are the content understandings and abilities that lead a student to success beyond school.
The Colorado Department of Education Standards Unit is responsible for on-going public conversations and information sessions conducted with schools, higher education, school boards, policy makers, and the media about these learning principles.
The content areas include:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Reading and Writing
- Social Studies
- Music, Visual Arts Theater, Dance,
- Comprehensive Health and Physical Education,
- World Languages.
Colorado Academic Standards are created to support an aligned P-20 system which provides an inclusion of early school readiness expectations and post secondary competencies. Historically, these standards have been organized by grade spans but have evolved to be articulated by grade. Additionally, state standards reflect workforce readiness and 21st century skills such as critical thinking and reasoning, information literacy and invention. The ability to take responsibility for additional learning, self direction and interaction with others to learn new information quickly and more naturally is the new emerging direction of CDEs work.
Global Village Academy writes lesson plans and develops curriculum based on the Colorado State Standards.