GVAC & Our Network » GVAC Curriculum Development

GVAC Curriculum Development

Another example of the benefits of GVAC is curriculum development, which requires the blending of content standards and objectives with world language standards and objectives, including an integrated scope and sequences, language framework, and units that incorporate all the elements needed for both content and language instruction. Standards based core content must be aligned with K-8 language objectives for each of the target languages taught, including English Language Development. 
The development of a comprehensive, immersion curricula is daunting, for one school. GVAC is involved in several curricular development consortiums including
  •  A Chinese literacy consortium, sponsored by the Utah Department of Education,
  •  The Russian curricular consortium, sponsored by Portland School Districts.
The Global Village Academy Collaborative is a recognized national leader in developing quality public immersion school curriculum materials and has been asked to present at
  • National Chinese Conference
  • East Normal University in Shanghai
  • Portland State University Flagship
  • University of Colorado